How to Use The Boiler Can Save More Money?

June 02, 2020


Factory boilers play a vital role as the core engine of industrial production. The thermal energy affects product quality, productivity, energy costs, and environmental sustainability. In today's market, companies care a lot about how efficient their boilers are.

Making factory boilers more efficient benefits the environment and lowers production costs. This article will discuss how to make factory boilers more efficient. The program will provide practical ways for organizations to be more energy efficient. It will also help them achieve their sustainable development goals. By following the advice in this article, you can improve your plant boiler system. This will help you increase productivity, save energy, and stay competitive in a tough market.

Why improving plant boiler efficiency is key

It is crucial for businesses to make plant boilers more efficient to be sustainable and global. Here are a few reasons why this task is critical:

1. Increasing trends in energy costs

Energy costs are on the rise over time, which has a direct impact on the cost of running a business. Improving plant boiler efficiency reduces energy consumption, which in turn reduces production costs. Managing energy resources well helps companies be more competitive and deal with higher energy prices.

2. Environmental sustainability considerations

Society is becoming increasingly environmentally responsible for businesses. Efficient plant boilers save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so companies can be more environmentally responsible. Companies can improve their brand image and adapt to a sustainable business environment by reducing their carbon footprint.

3. Changes in regulations and standards

 As the government tightens energy efficiency and environmental regulations, companies must meet stricter standards. Improving boiler efficiency in advance helps businesses follow regulations and avoid fines and legal issues. Complying with regulations can also boost a company's sustainability and reputation in business.

Tips for improving plant boiler efficiency

 1:Improving Boiler Efficiency: Reducing Stack Temperatures

Reducing the stack temperature is one of the key steps in improving plant boiler efficiency. When stack temperatures are high, valuable heat energy is wasted because it is not used efficiently. Reducing the stack temperature is therefore an important optimisation strategy.

To achieve this, systematic temperature monitoring is first required. By installing temperature sensors in the flue or chimney, the temperature of the flue gas can be monitored in real time. The results of monitoring can help adjust boiler settings to use heat more efficiently.

To effectively lower the chimney temperature, you need to adjust the combustion parameters. To make sure there is enough combustion and not too much heat, we optimize the combustion process. This reduces the temperature of the flue gas. Adjusting the air-fuel ratio, intake, and combustion time can improve energy efficiency and match production needs.

 Installing waste heat recovery equipment is effective. It helps in addition to adjusting combustion parameters. Waste heat recovery systems capture the heat in the flue gas. They use it to heat water or air. This reduces the heat load on the boiler and the heat emitted from the chimney.

 2:Installation of Coal Saver

The installation of a coal economiser is a key and effective initiative in the quest to improve the efficiency of a plant's boiler. By adding a coal economiser, we can lower the flue gas temperature and increase heat recovery. This helps to save energy and reduce costs.

The role of the coal economiser is mainly reflected in its preheating of the flue gas. To save energy, the economiser device is placed in the chimney or flue. The flue gas then moves into the economiser area and heats the feed water before reaching the boiler. In this process, the hot flue gas transfers the remaining heat to the feedwater, preheats it and then enters the atmosphere. This cools the flue gas and boosts energy efficiency by preheating water with waste heat.

The installation of the economiser can be applied to both new boiler system design and later added to the existing boiler system. To ensure the boiler works well, consider its design, operating conditions, and production needs.

 3:Regular burner adjustments

Regular burner adjustments are one of the most important aspects of improving the efficiency of your plant's boiler. By making precise adjustments to the burner, you can optimize the combustion process and improve efficiency. This also reduces fuel consumption, emissions, and improves energy use.

Burner adjustment mainly involves the mixing ratio of fuel and air. Ensuring an exact match between fuel and air is the key to achieving efficient combustion. To improve efficiency, adjust the burner's control system to achieve the right fuel ratio.

The process of adjusting the burner needs to be customised according to the model of the boiler, the type of fuel and the operating conditions. Regularly adjusting the boiler not only saves energy, but also prolongs its lifespan and reduces maintenance expenses.

 4:Cleaning the Fireside

 Cleaning the fireside is a vital step in ensuring that your plant's boiler is running efficiently. Regularly cleaning the fireside improves heat transfer efficiency, extends boiler life, reduces maintenance costs, and ensures production stability.

 5:Preheating combustion air

 Preheating combustion air is designed to improve combustion efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Preheating the air before combustion helps mix it with fuel, leading to better energy efficiency.

 6:Clean Water Side

 Cleaning the water-side of the boiler involves the circulation system, including boiler water and heat exchangers. Cleaning the water-side regularly prevents scale build-up and deposits, improves heat transfer efficiency, and extends the boiler's lifespan. This also reduces energy consumption and operating costs. 

7:Returning Condensate to the Boiler

The water vapor from the boiler becomes condensate after it cools down. It still has a lot of heat. By recovering and reusing this water in the boiler system, we can fully utilize its thermal energy. This reduces energy consumption and promotes environmental protection and sustainable development. This strategy effectively recovers energy and improves boiler system efficiency.

 8:Recovering heat from boiler effluent

When the boiler is running, the water that comes out usually has a lot of heat energy. By capturing this heat energy, we can reuse it and lower the boiler system's energy use.

 9:Reducing the use of steam

Reducing the use of steam plays a vital role in improving boiler energy efficiency. Steam is often used in industry to power machines and move heat, but it uses a lot of energy and creates pollution in boilers. Organizations can use less steam to save energy and reduce production costs.


To improve a plant's boiler efficiency, optimizing technology, energy management, and staff training is crucial. EPCB Boiler, a leader in manufacturing boilers, is dedicated to providing superior solutions.

EPCB boiler systems save energy and money by using advanced technology, regular cleaning, and control systems. The boilers are designed to meet environmental rules and industry standards, so customers can comply easily.

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