Steam Boiler System Selection (Part 1)

August 04, 2020

Steam Boiler System Selection (Part 1)

The correct boiler system matching scheme can save you a lot of purchasing costs, and it will also help you save a lot of operating costs. This article will help you analyze how to choose a boiler system from 12 aspects

1. Boiler Body

Boiler Classification

According to different fuels, boilers are divided into fuel gas steam boilers and solid fuel steam boilers.

Oil/gas Steam Boiler

Oil/gas-fired boilers are divided into water tube boilers and fire tube boilers according to different structures.

Comparison of water tube boiler and fire tube boiler: Click to view the comparison details. Only suggestions are provided here.

If your boiler is more than 10 T/h, then I suggest you buy a water tube boiler, if your boiler is less than 10 T/h, I suggest you buy a fire tube boiler.

Fire Tube Boiler

Divided into a three-pass boiler and a central back-fired boiler.

For these two types of boilers, under the same capacity, the cost of the three-pass boiler is greater than the cost of the central return-fired boiler, and the thermal efficiency of the three-pass boiler is greater than that of the central return-fired boiler. However, if the size of the boiler you buy is less than 2 T/h, I still recommend that you buy a central fire-back boiler. It is recommended that you buy a three-pass boiler for 2~10 T/h.

Solid Fuel Fired Boiler

According to different structures, it is divided into a water-fire tube boiler (single drum boiler) and a water tube boiler (double drums boiler).

For the same 10 T/h or less, it is recommended that you use a water-fire tube boiler. It is recommended that you use a water tube boiler for more than 10 T/h.

2. Combustion System

Oil/gas-Fired Boiler: Burner.

According to the per-mixing ratio of air and fuel, the burner is divided into first stage fire, second stage fire, third stage fire, and proportional adjustment. Prices have also risen sequentially. Suitable for gas fuel, liquid fuel, and powdered fuel.

The First-Stage Burners: the most wasteful burner. Because its start and stop all need to purge the furnace. Prevent furnace deflagration. This will take away a lot of heat. Generally not recommended.

The Two-Stage Fire Burner: allows the boiler to operate at a low load without stopping the fire. Higher boiler thermal efficiency.

The Three-Stage Fire Burner: is more intelligent, and more expensive.

The Proportional Adjustment Burner: divided into mechanical ratio adjustment and automatic ratio adjustment. It can be adjusted automatically according to the operating conditions of the boiler. The price is also the highest.

The above comparison is based on the same burner brand. If you have different burner brands, you must also consider the burner brand.

Solid Fuel Fired Boiler: Grate

The solid fuel boiler needs to be equipped with different grate depending on the fuel. At present, there are three kinds of commonly used grate, fixed grate, movable grate, and chain grate. Prices have also risen sequentially.

Fixed Grate,

This kind of grate cannot be moved, and after filling the fuel, it can only be manually removed. Need more labor costs. And when filling fuel and removing slag, the safety factor is relatively low. It is suitable for larger lump fuels, such as wood, waste cloth, large coal, etc. Suitable for countries and regions with relatively low labor costs.

Activity Grate,

This kind of grate can remove slag mechanically and is an upgraded version of the fixed grate. Help you save some labor costs! The safety factor is relatively high. It is suitable for larger lump fuels, such as wood, waste cloth, large coal, etc. It is suitable for larger block fuels, such as wood, waste fabrics, large coal, bagasse, coconut shells, etc. Suitable for countries and regions with relatively low labor costs.

Chain Grate

Equipped with a coal loading system, there is a coal hopper, no need to manually fill fuel, and a coal gate, which can control the fuel thickness, has a high degree of automation, saves labor costs, and has a much higher safety factor. Suitable for particulate fuels, such as small coal, wood chips, and biomass pellets.

This time first analyze the selection of the steam boiler body. The next issue will analyze the auxiliary machinery and accessories of the boiler system.

Hope this article can help you.

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